Monday, March 21, 2005

Terry Shiavo and other peoples decisions....

Why do we involve ourself withother people decisions? They will have to live with it, not us. If the husband thinks he knows what his wife would want; then let it happen.

I understand the parents point of view, but I do not think it belongs under the heading of "Strarving her to death" How about "letting her life end with dignity" I would hope my family would want me to pass with some digity. Lord knows, and them too. I would not force them to live in a Perpetual Vegisative FatePVS. I would let them Die with Dignity.

Do you think most of the people who want Terry to live on are "pro-life" and have this desire to control what they have no right in controlling.

There I am done worring about Terry. His husband is doing fine and should be left to make the decision.


Blogger Pirate said...

Michael G. Thanks for the visit. I think these issues like Terri Shiavo are difficult for all involve but worthy of the debate. One reason that makes it difficult for me is that Mrs. Pirate was a special education teacher for 13 years and in her time as a teacher she had many students that were in similar states of livability as Mrs. Shiavo. She taught at a state school (Fairview) and there were many students that had minimal awareness. If they would have been married the spouse could have asked for them to be strved to death by the state. Scary. Is Logan's Run in our future?

2:48 PM  

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